You will need:

  • Android 7.1 Media Player with Latest Firmware (2.X.X or above)
  • Security Certificate Files

Security Certificate Installation Instructions:

  1. Copy and Paste the CA certificate (*.pem) and User certificate (*.pfx) to USB drive.
  2. From Basic Settings Page, click on Time Zone to access the Android Native Menu. Then click on the Menu Icon on the top left-hand corner and select Security.

  3. Under Credential Storage, select Install from SD card.

  4. Select the USB Drive and the CA certificate.

  5. Name the certificates and choose your credential use. If the certificate is for Network authentication ( 802.1x ), select Wi-Fi.

  6. Select OK to set up the lock screen PIN to enable security settings.

  7. After setting up the PIN, you will see the certificate is installed. You can also verify by selecting User credentials to view all installed certificates.

  8. Go back to step 4 to install another certificate.
  9. After installing the certificates, go to Ethernet and choose Modify network.

  10. Choose your preferred Security, EAP method, CA certificate, and User certificate. You can fill anything in Identity but cannot be blank. Save settings.

  11. Confirm the connection status changes to Connected.